Steamed Cuisine News , February 13th 2025

February 13th, 2025

Dear Steamed Cuisine Community,

In North Carolina, the biting cold season is over. Let the rain begin ! Meanwhile the kids are happy to spend more time outside ! Meanwhile, it's still a season when we like warm meals and soups !

Perfect ! My new recipes fit these needs. And as you know, they are steamed, clean, healthy, flavorful and quickly made. All what a mom or anyone with a crazy work schedule needs.

Lunchtime recipe: Easy Steamed and Broccoli and cauliflower in Hazelnuts, Nutmeg and Rosemary Sauce

This recipe is perfect for lunch. Steam cooking preserves all tastes and textures of your vegetables. Enjoy the colors and the crunch of green and white veggies. Hazelnuts adds even more crunch and a nutty flavor, reinforced with nutmeg and rosemary. Add some capers and of course olive oil, and you have a wonderful side to serve over rice, with steamed chicken for example. You can pre steam 1/3 inch slices of chicken and finish cooking it in the sauce for a few minutes, along with the vegetables, for even more flavor.

Pin and share on pinterest here ! I welcome comments and questions any time !

A Creamy, Hearty Turmeric Shrimp Parsley Sauce for Rice or Pasta!

Looking for a SCRUMPTIOUS pasta or rice sauce? BONUS, you get a healthy, clean, anti inflammatory dinner your friends or family (or both) will marvel over. This is one of my favorite things to eat, especially after an exhausting day. Serve over pasta or rice, it will be equally delicious.

TRY the creamy turmeric shrimp and parsley sauce, served with crunchy snap peas and zucchini. You get all the bonus of nutrient intensity of all super ingredients, and the flavor of a great pasta sauce. It takes 15-20 minutes to make, pasta cooking included!

Save and share on pinterest here

Don't forget Mardi Gras is around the corner, and my dairy free ancient grain sourdough crêpes recipe is available! To save (and share ) on pinterest, click here!

Do you enjoy social media? I try to share more health insights and daily meal ideals on Instagram and facebook. Click on each link to follow me and introduce my work to your friends!

Hope you enjoy these recipes, Bon Appétit!

PS: If you received this newsletter from a friend and you want to learn more, subscribe to my newsletter and receive regular updates ! In Comes in english or French ! If you use that link, you will have access to three delicious steamed cakes recipes! Newsletter en Français ici !


This newsletter contains affiliate links including Amazon links. These come at no cost to you. By using these links you support my work providing you with recipes and tips! Thank you!

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