SteamedCuisineLifestyle News , January 23, 2025

January 23th, 2025

Dear Steamed Cuisine Community,

First and foremost, my best wishes for the NEW YEAR !

A whole month has past and the end-of-year left me so tired I had to rest from Christmas to get back to writing! You probably know the feeling... But I'm back, and I promise, will more frequent posts and letters!

My hope for 2025 is that my website provides you with useful information on nutrition, interesting ideas for daily meals, recipes you love, services you enjoy. As a health coach, I strive to help people wether I coach them directly or they only like to read me, or stumble on my website by chance. Feel free to reach out with questions, ideas, recommendations, recipe requests!

New year, new health

I believe most of what affects our health is not so much what we eat that hurts our body, but also what we forget to feed our body. The nutrition dense ingredients that make up our meals and drink are what balance our digestion, feed our gut, lower or stabilize our blood sugar. What I think of: the healthy fats, the sufficient amount of fiber, minerals and vitamins, prebiotics we find in vegetables that we cook so as not to DESTROY or DAMAGE our hard-earned nutrients.

Although I do not subscribe to any specific diet, except perhaps Mediterranean, I believe all is in the proper amount of healthy fats, fruits and vegetables we add to all the rest. After that, we need to ensure that our inflammation levels are down. My recipes and meal ideas are just that: nutrients, healthy fats, vegetables and fruits dense, cooked just the right amount to preserve nutrients in my ideal steam cooker, the Vitaliseur. Try them out, give steam cooking a chance and your digestion should improve! If you didn't read it already, learn why this is ideal.

Latest recipes:

STEAMED Sourdough Sandwich Bread

YES you can bake bread in the steam cooker ! Although I prefer a crust on my French boule, the sandwich bread turns out GREAT, and I must honestly say BETTER in the steam cooker. The soft bubbly texture turns out perfect for my quick-gotta-go-soon-sandwich lunch. Try it out!

Easy 4 Ingredients Cod Cream or Dip

Inspired from dairy-heavy French Cod Brandade, this recipe is very light, very quick to make, and fabulous either over small steamed potatoes or spread on a slice of sourdough bread. Be wild and make it thicker and it will turn into a dip for your raw vegetables. All you need is onion, preferably fresh cod (frozen works), extra virgin olive oil and salt. Optionally, a little sheep cheese (Pecorino romano or Manchego) grated on top seals the deal ! Bon appétit

And of course, it's still January so you may want to try my non-dairy traditional almond filling Einkorn Kings Cake!

Hope you enjoy these recipes, Bon Appétit!

PS: If you received this newsletter from a friend and you want to learn more, subscribe to my newsletter and receive regular updates ! If you use that link, you will have access to three delicious steamed cakes recipes!


This newsletter contains affiliate links including Amazon links. These come at no cost to you. By using these links you support my work providing you with recipes and tips! Thank you!

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Steamed Cuisine Lifestyle

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