SteamedCuisineLifestyle News , November 27 th, 2024

November 27th, 2024

Dear Steamed Cuisine Community,

I am sorry to announce the last month has been too rocky health wise for myself and my family to post much on my website and send a newsletter two weeks ago. I know I am not the only one that has been struggling with this. So I hope you all will be having healthy Thanksgiving holidays!

As I established It's not always easy to stay healthy ! So if you have a new cooking method at your fingertips that can help you stay strong and help to start using it, use it! That's what my blog is for! Please do send recipe requests!

If you haven't heard, you can subscribe to the French newsletter and get updates on last posts and translations!

This week, a last minute Thanksgiving treat

Ever tried steamed desserts like dips and compotes? They are incredibly tasty, moist and soft. Steamed treats can surprise you ! Let them ! It’s all the more striking with fruit, which preserves an incredible amount of natural taste and texture after cooking in a steam cooker.

Try this steamed cranberry apple compote for the holidays! Or even for Christmas, why not? Sometimes, I use it as bottom layer in my apple pie. It is very light on sugar and full of taste and nutrition. You will love it with turkey, or on the side with apple pie, especially if you can’t eat or are too “stuffed” – pun intended – to have ice cream too.

Boiled vs. Steamed Broccoli

Let's talk nutritional debate regarding cooking methods. We usually know cooking methods the ones that are the worst, like deep frying or grilling ( charring) too often. But which one is the healthiest? Is eating vegetables always good regardless of how they are prepared? YES it's always better to eat some than none. However, you will learn here that the way you prepare it does matter a lot. And as you suspect, at least in the case of broccoli, steamed is a winner. Learn why.

Share: How is steam cooking healthiest?

Part of being an advocate for healthy eating is explaining how the healthiest cooking method compares to others. Not only steam cooking is healthier, but it tastes better, and is quick to use! If you knew that already, you don't need to read this. However you may have friends and loved ones you want to tell about it, and that's what this article is for! Make sure to share widely!

Need a salad idea for thanksgiving? Try the Pear & Pomagranate salad with goat cheese in (real) Grenadine dressing . Ps: if you don't have grenadine, replace with berry juice or syrup.

Until next time for a more Christmas focused post, let's be Thankful together with our loved ones, and enjoy them all as much as we can for a few days!

Thankfully yours!

PS: If you received this newsletter from a friend and you want to learn more, subscribe to my newsletter and receive regular updates ! If you use that link, you will have access to three delicious steamed cakes recipes!


This newsletter contains affiliate links including Amazon links. These come at no cost to you. By using these links you support my work providing you with recipes and tips! Thank you!

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Steamed Cuisine Lifestyle

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