SteamedCuisineLifestyle News , December 10 th, 2024

December 10th, 2024

Dear Steamed Cuisine Community,

The long awaited time of Christmas has arrived ! It's a time of joy, but rarely a time for rest. And as we hussle and bussle trying to find the best gift, attending children's performances and Christmas parties, it's also less time we have to try new yummy Christmas recipes.

However I have two for you. My two favorite Christmas cookies recipes. One is more involved than the other, but they are both delicious. Meanwhile rely on some of my recipes for potlucks or prep dinners for performance evenings ! Nothing like a filling Shaved Brussels Sprouts Salad to fill you up, which you can have ready fast before leaving thanks to your food processor. You just need to dress it when comes dinner time. Gluten free, dairy free, full of flavor, and involves virtually no cooking.

German Elisen Lebkuchen

This is my all time favorite recipe. This is a translation of a recipe I found on a German website and requested to translate for you. Elisen Lebkuchen are traditional Christmas Almond cookies from South Germany, the kind you smell the lovely scent of at every corner of Christmas markets. With a bit of Mulled Wine, you'll just need to close your eyes and you are in Germany at Christmas time!

Made with the right spice mix - that you can make yourself, I provide the recipe too - it is perfect as it is not overly sweetened by full of flavors. I do love the icing, which is made without crazy colors, but thanks to the Rum, gives the cookie its final edge !

Honey Orange Blossoms Christmas Bites

These Christmas almond honey bites are all you want: easy to make, four ingredients only ( but with 3 different options as to which goes on top) , naturally sweetened,, delicately perfumed, with a light crunch.. The perfect balance! If you only had 20 min to make one extra garnish in your christmas cookies platter, go for it, and make your kids roll them for you for extra fun!

And of course, share: How is steam cooking healthiest?

Part of being an advocate for healthy eating is explaining how the healthiest cooking method compares to others. Not only steam cooking is healthier, but it tastes better, and is quick to use! If you knew that already, you don't need to read this. However you may have friends and loved ones you want to tell about it, and that's what this article is for! Make sure to share widely!

Until next time, enjoy my hopefully informative posts!

Bon appétit!

PS: If you received this newsletter from a friend and you want to learn more, subscribe to my newsletter and receive regular updates ! If you use that link, you will have access to three delicious steamed cakes recipes!


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